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Veikko Suihko:
Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Method: a Stimulator and Modelling with a Note on EEG
The thesis consists of an overview and six original publications:
Tampere University of Technology, Publication 413, 2003. 51 p. + 6 publications.(26 Mb)
  The thesis may also be downloaded in parts:
OV. Overview, pp. 1 - 51. (10 Mb)
I Suihko, V. and Eskola H. Transcranial electrical stimulator producing high amplitude pulses and pulse trains. Journal of Medlical Engineering & Technology 1998; 22, 211-215. (2 Mb)
II Suihko, V., Eskola, H. & Malmivuo, J. Effect of electrode size in electroencephalography and electrical transcranial stimulation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 1994 pp. 306-310. (2 Mb)
III Suihko, V., Malmivuo, J. & Eskola, H. Three-electrode vs. unifocal technique in transcranial electrical stimulation. Proceedings of the 10th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 1st International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism 09.-13.06.1996, Tampere, Finland. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 34 Suppl. 1, Part 2, 1996, pp. 287-288. (1 Mb)
IV Suihko, V. Modeling direct activation of corticospinal axons using transcranial electrical stimulation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1998, 109, 238-244. (3 Mb)
V Suihko, V. Modelling the response of scalp sensory receptors to transcranial electrical stimulation. Medical & Biological Engineeing & Computing, 2002. 40, 395-401. (3 Mb)
VI Viik, Malmivuo, J., Suihko, V. & Eskola, H. Sensitivity distributions of EEG and MEG measurements. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1997. 44 3, pp. 196-208. (5 Mb)