Jaakko Malmivuo


1976 The first measurement of the vectormagnetocardiogram VMCG.
Malmivuo, J.: On the detection of the magnetic heart vector - An application of the reciprocity theorem. Helsinki University of Technology, Doctor of Technololgy (PhD) Thesis, Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Electrical Engineering Series, (1976)39, 112 p.

1977 Consistent co-ordinates for ECG and MCG.
Malmivuo, J.A., Wikswo, J.P.Jr., Barry, W.H., Harrison, D.C. and Fairbank, W.M.: Consistent system of rectangular and spherical co-ordinates for electrocardiography and magnetocardiography. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 1977, 15 July, pp. 413-415.

1980 MEG sensitivity distribution, spherical model
Malmivuo, J. Distribution of MEG detector sensitivity: An application of reciprocity. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 1980, 18 May, pp. 365-370.

1987 Sensitivity distribution of multichannel MEG detectors
Malmivuo, J. and Puikkonen, J.: Sensitivity distribution of multichannel MEG detectors. 6th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Tokyo 27-30 August 1987, pp. 112-113.

1987 Description of the current distribution in magnetic stimulation.
1987 Improving the focusing of the stimulation current by using figure-of-eight type coils.
Rossi, R., Puikkonen, J., Malmivuo, J., Eskola, H. and Häkkinen, V.: Magnetic stimulation - design of a prototype and preliminary clinical experiments. Tampere University of Technology, Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Research Report 6/1987, Tampere December 1987. 25 p.

1995 The textbook of bioelectromagnetism with Robert Plonsey.
Including the following main contributions of Jaakko Malmivuo: www.bem.fi/malmivuo/highligh.htm
Malmivuo, J. and Plonsey, R.: Bioelectromagnetism - Principles and applications of bioelectric and biomagnetic fields. Oxford University Press. New York, 1995, 461 p.

1995 Demonstration that for the bioelectric and biomagnetic fields, the measurement, stimulation and impedance measurements are all tightly bounded together with the Maxwell equations and the principle of reciprocity. Thus they form the solid structure of the discipline of Bioelectromagnetism.

2002 The book published on the Internet at

1995 Solution of the independence/interdependence of bioelectric and biomagnetic measurements
Malmivuo, J. and Plonsey, R.: Bioelectromagnetism - Principles and pplications of ioelectric and iomagnetic ields. Oxford University Press. New York, 1995.
- Chapter 12.10 The independence of bioelectric and biomagnetic fields and measurements
- Malmivuo, J.: Comparison of the properties of EEG and MEG in detecting the electric activity of the brain. Brain Topogr (2012) 25:1-19.

1995, 1997 Calculation that the EEG has better spatial sensitivity than the MEG.
Malmivuo, J., Suihko, V., and Eskola, H.: Sensitivity distributions of EEG and MEG measurements. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 44(1997)3, pp. 196-208.

2000 The first clinical study in biomagnetism, study on MCG
2000 Experimental demonstration of the independence/interdependence of bioelectric and biomagnetic fields
Malmivuo, J., Nousiainen, J., Oja, S., and Uusitalo, A.: General solution for the application of magnetocardiography. Proc. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago, 2000, MO-B205-1.

2004 Solution of the spatial resolution of the EEG with all realistic skull resistivity values
Malmivuo, J. and Suihko, V.: Effect of skull resistivity on the spatial resolutions of EEG and MEG. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 51, No. 7. July 2004, pp. 1276-1280.

2005, 2006 Solution of the impedance tomography measurement sensitivity distribution
- Kauppinen, P., Hyttinen, J. and Malmivuo, J.: Sensitivity distribution simulations of impedance tomography electrode combinations. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 2005, 7 1, pp. 344-347.
- Kauppinen, P., Hyttinen, J. and Malmivuo, J.: Sensitivity distribution visualizations of impedance tomography measurement strategies. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 2006, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. VII/1 - VII/9.

2008 Improving the signal to noise ratio of EEG generated by deep sources with multielectrode leads
Väisänen, O. and Malmivuo, J.: Improving the SNR of EEG generated by deep sources with weighted multielectrode leads. Journal of Physiology - Paris 2009, 103 6, pp. 306-314.

2013 Verification of the independence/interdependence of bioelectric and biomagnetic signals
Malmivuo J.: The solution for the independence of bioelectric and biomagnetic signals is confirmed. 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka July 3-7, 2013.

2013 Verification that the first electric stimulation was made by Swammerdam over 100 years before Luigi Galvani.
Malmivuo, J.A., Honkonen, J. and Wendel, K.E.: Did Jan Swammerdam do the first electric stimulation over 100 years before Luigi Galvani? XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. Sevilla, September 25-28, 2013.

2017 Diagnostic information as a function of number of electromagnetic cardiac leads.
Malmivuo, J.: The amount of diagnostic information as a function of number of electromagnetic cardiac leads. Abstracts of Contributions. ICAMI 2017. III International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics, San Andrés Island, Colombia, 26.11.-1.12.2017. p. 18. Plenary Lecture